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What benefit will I get from this website? This site is a resource for living your best life and contains information on Health, Wealth and Wellbeing. You will find links to information which I hope you will find useful. I start by referring to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs raising the topic of what humans seek in life. From this perspective we can assess where we are in that hierarchy and how we might advance through each of the levels. Most of us will have at least attained the first level but to what extent? Some will be living comfortable lives in suitable accommodation and feeling safe and secure. Others may be just scraping by and perhaps deeply stressed about their situation. However, some humans can be happy even though their financial situation is difficult, whilst some relatively “well off” people can feel very unhappy in spite of their seemingly more comfortable existence.

Spike Milligan said “Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery” Arnold Schwarzenegger said “Money doesn’t make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.”

When it comes to finding the money to run your life most people have a job based on their abilities. If you are fortunate enough to have a job which you mostly enjoy and it brings in enough money to live on comfortably you are indeed fortunate. Unfortunately some people are stuck in dead end jobs that offer little or no satisfaction and don’t pay enough.
One way of escaping from the drudgery of employment is to start your own business. However, starting a traditional business selling physical products or services usually requires significant forward investment and it can be very risky. Thankfully in this modern world we have access to clever technology which is readily available and relatively cheap

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